To interface between the FS and GS, the
script will start a Flight Software Interface thread, which will wait for instruction after setting up the FSCompose and fetching the necessary files from the GS Dashboard, $i.e.$,
Starting FS Interface
Username: [Username]
Password: [Password]
Login successful
Zip retrieved successfully
Starting fs...
Setup ready!
Starting fs-interface...
Press e to execute Command Sequence
Press s to send to GS
Press q to quit
Waiting for Instructions Cmd seq len 136
file received from the FSCompose after it finished executing a Command Sequence, press sOnce the script receives the files back from the FS, the script will be ready to re-execute an action. Press s to send the received files to the GS so that they can be distributed and processed. The user can also directly analyse them by extracting the
Each Docker Container started by the user will have a shared folder with the main FS mounted. The folder is mounted at data/
inside the Docker Container, and should be used for the data that needs to be downlinked, as well as for the data that needs to be uplinked to the FS. This is the only folder shared with the FS from the Payload Docker Container, and provides a way to exchange data between two Docker Containers deployed by the same user.
All of the data a user would want to downlink from the FS needs to be moved to folder. Here we provide examples on how to manage this data transfer.