All commands except for downlink need to add a time of execution prefix to the command. It can be either relative to the previous command or absolute timing. Both types are explained below :
The Absolute Execution Time executes commands at the given absolute calendar time. It’s Prefix has the following format, an ‘A’ followed by ISO_8601 ordinal datetime format with optional subseconds:
AYYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS[.sss] [command]
A indicates it is a relative timed command
YYYY sets the year
DDD sets the day of the year
HH sets the hour
MM sets the minutes
SS sets the seconds
The example below will execute the command the 20th of August of 2024, at 15h02 and 1 second:
A2024-232T15:02:01 [command]
On Linux, you can easily fetch the day of the year of a given date with the following command :
$ date --date="2023-07-25" +%j
Which gives you the DDD argument of the Prefix, 206 in this example.
The Relative Execution Time is relative to the previous command’s execution time and it’s Prefix has the following format :
RHH:MM:SS [command]
R indicates it is a relative timed command
HH sets the relative hour
MM sets the relative minutes
SS sets the relative seconds
If the first command in a command sequence is Relative Execution timed, it will execute relative to the start of the command sequence.
R00:00:02 build Dockerfile.integration integration-img
Note Relative times cannot exceed 24 hours for now.
Build a Docker Container on the Flight Software (FS).
The first build will be executed the 21th of August 2024, at 23h02, build the Dockerfile Dockerfile.integration and tag the built Docker Image to integration-img.
The second build command will be executed 2h32 after the previous command, i.e. the 22th of August 2024, at 1h02 minutes and 32 seconds. It will build the same Dockerfile, and tag the built Docker Image to integration-img-2
A2024-232T23:02:00 build Dockerfile.integration integration-img
R02:00:32 build Dockerfile.integration integration-img-2
Starts a Docker Container from the specified Docker Image. The Docker Image needs to be built before running this command for it to succeed.
The first build will be executed the 14th of September 2024, at 15h02, build the Dockerfile Dockerfile.integration and tag the built Docker Image to integration-img.
The second command will be executed 10 minutes and 21 seconds after the previous command, i.e. the 14th of September 2024, at 15h12 and 21 seconds. It will start the Docker Container from the previously built integration-img Docker Image, and name this Docker Container testing-interface
A2024-257T15:02:00 build Dockerfile.integration integration-img
R00:10:21 start integration-img testing-interface
Stops a running Docker Container.
The first command will be executed immediately when the command sequence start. It will start a Docker Container from a previously built Docker Image integration-img, and name the Docker Container quick-test
The second command will be executed 21 seconds after the previous one. It will stop the previously started Docker Container.
R00:00:00 start integration-img quick-test
R00:00:21 stop quick-test
Requests the FS to downlink a file that is contained in the data/ folder of the Users’ volume.
The command will be executed immediately. It will request the FS to add the test.txt file to the zip file that will be downlinked to the FS Interface.
downlink test.txt
Note The downlink command does not take a time of execution prefix.
Below is presented a full example of Command Sequence, in which we do the following :
R00:00:00 build Dockerfile.integration integration-image
R00:00:10 start integration-image run-integration
R00:00:30 stop run-integration
downlink log.txt